Monday, November 26, 2012

Taxi Driver

Taxi Driver is a film about many things, but overall it is about the theme of isolation and focuses on one particular loner in a big city who can be construed as an antihero. It is a film that draws from many genres: the Western, horror, noir, and was also influenced by the films of the Italians (DeSica, Rosselini, Fellini).

Discuss, in at least two paragraphs, the themes of isolation and/or the antihero and how Scorsese's film is influenced by the different genres and by the Italians.

Due: Friday, November 30. Along with pages 1-6 of your Independent Study!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


This should be easy. Choose a scene in the film (any scene!) and analyze it in depth. Be sure to discuss its sociocultural influences, why you chose the scene, and how the scene relates to the film as a whole. Your response should be thoughtful and along the lines of what you'll do next month. Be thorough--at least 3 paragraphs.

Due: Monday, November 19.