Saturday, February 26, 2011

Blog Response #1--A little about you

What are your expectations for this class and for yourself in this class? What do you think of when you hear the word movie? What is your favorite movie? Why? Required: 2 full, well-developed paragraphs.


  1. My expectations for this class are that it will be difficult and fairly time-consuming, but still enjoyable because I love film. I think that if I put in enough effort that I'll be able to do very well in this class. When I hear the word "movie", I usually tend to think of a film intended for entertainment, like a fun dumb comedy or Hollywood film that you watch with friends. I usually associate the word "film" with something more serious.

    My favorite film is "Celine And Julie Go Boating." The reason it's my favorite is because I absolutely adore the atmosphere it creates and puts me into. Despite not implicitly mentioning childhood or anything such as that, it feels creates a very nostalgic and optimistic atmosphere that I love to partake in.

  2. My expectations for this class is that it will teach me how to appreciate and appreciate movies in a new way. This class will teach me how to think more critically and carefully about movies. I want to learn skills that will help me when I pursue a career in film. When I hear the word movie, I think of something that involves moving pictures and a fake reality that drags in and compels it's audience.
    My favorite movie is 'The Rundown' starring Dwayne Johnson and Sean William Scott. It is my favorite movie, because I find the story very compelling, comical, and the action is very good. For me, action movies are the best kind and it is rare to me to find a movie with a good balance of storyline and great action scenes. This movie made me laugh, feel sad, excited and at the edge of my seat.

  3. I have a passion for film and I've been looking forward to this class for a while, so if it meets my expectations I should enjoy it immensely. I guess that I hope to come out of this with a greater understanding of film history and the elements that make up a film, as well as a capability to practically apply that knowledge.

    I think that the word "movie" is typically ascribed to banal and forgettable Hollywood blockbusters and the like, as opposed to "film" which carries a sense of aesthetic superiority.

    My favorite movie is currently "Lost in Translation". I could never actually defend it as the greatest film ever and I don't believe for a minute that it is. That's not to say it's shoddily made-on the contrary it's very impressive visually, with a kind of soft, melancholy brush of colors that I think seems reminiscent of Krzystof Kieslowski's "Blue". It also has a wonderful soundtrack and one of the most believable and congenial performances I've ever seen by Bill Murray. But above all what attracts me to the film is the deep maudlin atmosphere that this all creates-a characteristic of all my favorite movies really. The story-following a former movie star in Tokyo on business and his brief relationship with a younger woman who feels neglected by and distant from her new husband-coherently enhanced by the look and sound, with a slight hint of a powerful somber nostalgia characteristic of contemporary indie films, create this ambiance of hopelessness and helplessness, forlorn hope and desperate love. It's a look at two people who find each other out of a mutual loneliness and fall in love because of that, but are still lonely. By description it sounds like a hopelessly depressing movie but there's something beautifully poetic about it.

  4. I expect that this class will be challenging but ultimately extremely engaging for me. I realized that if I had to write essays for school there's nothing I would rather write about than the arts. With that in mind, I hope that I still get to enjoy what I'm doing - I took Music Theory last year, and as an aspiring musician it nearly destroyed my love for music.

    When I hear the term "movie", I think of the actual final product. The word "film" brings to mind the process of making them and the more specific aesthetics associated with moviemaking.

    I have two favorite movies, for different reasons: "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" and "The Big Lebowski". "Eternal Sunshine" is a beautiful, moving picture for me that never ceases to make me emotional. The acting is fantastic, and the way the movie explores the human mind, relationships and love so flawlessly and intricately without pretension just breaks my heart.

    "The Big Lebowski" is, for me, comfort viewing of the highest order. I know every line and it still makes me laugh like the first time I saw it. It also manages to be intricately crafted while also just being a hilarious, enjoyable movie with well crafted characters and endlessly quotable dialogue.

  5. I have high expectations for all of you in this class. I'm looking forward to seeing you all discuss film in a critical, meaningful way. I don't think this course is going to sour any of you to film--you just won't be able to watch a film without looking at it critically!

    When I think of the word movie, I think of the 1970s when my dad and I would watch movies together like Midnight Cowboy, Bullitt, Take the Money and Run, Little Big Man, and so many others. I also think of the Sunday movie matinee that used to be on tv (before cable)--in Syracuse (where I grew up), the program was called EIVOM and it showed only horror movies (mostly from the 40s, 50s, and 60s). I also think of movies as something very healing. Movies can cure anything for me.

    I can't really pinpoint one movie that is a favorite for me. I am partial to the films of the Italians (neorealism of Paolini and Rossellini mostly as well as Fellini) which greatly influenced Scorsese (Mean Streets, Taxi Driver) who began working in the 1970s in the U.S., which leads me to my favorite "genre"--American films of the 1970s.

    I do, of course, have many, many favorites and, they change, depending on my mood and what I'm teaching in IB Film at the time...(You'll probably hear me say, "This is one of my favorite movies!" over and over.

  6. My expectations for this class is that it will teach me how to appreciate and appreciate movies in a new way. This class will teach me how to think more critically and carefully about movies. I want to learn skills that will help me when I pursue a career in film. When I hear the word movie, I think of something that involves moving pictures and a fake reality that drags in and compels it's audience.
    My favorite movie is 'The Rundown' starring Dwayne Johnson and Sean William Scott. It is my favorite movie, because I find the story very compelling, comical, and the action is very good. For me, action movies are the best kind and it is rare to me to find a movie with a good balance of storyline and great action scenes. This movie made me laugh, feel sad, excited and at the edge of my seat.

    I had to make a new account, so know if you click on my name it will bring you to my blogger account.
