Friday, April 19, 2013

The Matrix

Think of this film through the lens of the Hero's Journey, a term coined by Joseph Campbell (read more here). Think about this quote and apply it to The Matrix. Discuss how Neo's journey is presented to us cinematically. Incorporate the use of special effects in this discussion.

"A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man."

Minimum: 2 paragraphs.


  1. This quote applies perfectly to Neo in The Matrix. First of all, solely looking at the mise-en-scene makes this transformation clear. Neo starts off looking beaten up by life, scuffed-up hair, typical clothes. He looks and dresses like everyone else. He also acts very mediocre and common. He does not go out of his way to go beyond the call-of-duty. By the end of the film though, he has a very distinct look (also very iconic). He has his slicked back hair, “cool-guy” sunglasses and he has that very stylish leather jacket. The ending shot, when he walks out of the phone booth, has him stick out like a sore thumb. It is abundantly clear that Neo is no longer the man he once was, he has changed. He has transformed. I noticed this change when I watched Matrix: Reloaded. Neo just looks better, smoother, calmer, different, and more confident in everything he does.
    This “new-Neo” with confidence and authority is first evident after he dies. When he comes back to life, he seems completely different, even he is surprised. Mr. Smith goes to punch him and Neo catches the fist and looks at it in pure amazement. Then he starts to block all of Mr. Smith’s moves with one hand and even looks away while doing. The one shot that shows this new transformation is after he had destroyed Mr. Smith. He seems the coding of the matrix and realizes that nothing within it is real, just a code. Without this victory, he would not have known this. Again, relating mise-en-scene, Neo looked terrible when he was killed, as he should have been, but after his resurrection, he looked cleaner and more focused, not like he had just been beaten up and fighting for his life. Neo is “The One.”

  2. Neo follows Campbell's outline of the hero's journey. He is called to adventure when something on his computer tells him to follow a white rabbit. He encounters Trinity and the group of renegades who are the “guardians” of the “fantastic” world (or maybe those would be the agents). He is guided by Morpheus and the Oracle through training and revelation and other challenges such as saving Morpheus. He dies at one point but then, defying the Matrix, returns to life and makes atonement by rescuing Morpheus. He then has a gift and understands how to be the One and can then save humanity from its illusion, etc.
    The film uses special effects to show Neo’s revival and newfound power. Once he stands up the agents turn around and shoot at him. The camera follows the bullets from behind in slow motion, capturing digitally created circles of something following the bullets. It shows the bullets hang in the air for a moment, then fall. Neo can now control elements of the Matrix like this. The next shot is a hallway made up of 0’s and 1’s, showing the viewer the new way in which Neo can perceive the Matrix. As an Agent attacks him Neo’s arm moves so quickly that it’s a blur and he then kicks the agent to the other end of the hall. The next shot, a low angle, shows Neo lowering his leg and standing triumphantly.

    My last high school assignment :’) it’s been a journey!
